Round Top hosts a bi-annual Antiques + Design show each year in the fall and spring. The show is underway and our little town is bustling!

Our agents will attend many of the special events, which support some of our favorite community non-profits. Lilla Blackburn, Lisa Mayer, and Jan Carroll will be modeling in the Runway 159 Style Show on October 17 to benefit Arts for Rural Texas - we will be out in force to support them. We are also excited to support Jack Maddox and Camp For All by buying chances for the dunk tank at the Luau at Ellis Motel on Friday, October 18. Merritt Meat will be roasting a whole pig at this event and there will be a live band! 

There will barely be time to recover from the Show before November arrives and we are out enjoying Round Top Wine Fest (come have a glass on our porch!) and the inaugural Round Top Film Festival! We are beyond grateful to live and work in this vibrant community and we welcome you with open arms!

Please consider the list below a starting point...there are too many venues and events for us to list in one place.


October 3 - 27: Bar W Field Warrenton - @barwfieldwarrentontx


October 5 - 19: Blue Hills - View Website- @bluehillsatroundtop


October 5 - 26: The Horseshoe - @thehorseshoeroundtop


October 10 - 26: The Compound - View Website - @thecompound_roundtop // Bader Ranch - View Website - @baderranchatroundtop // Coles - View Website


October 12 - 26: The Arbors - View Website - @thearborsroundtop // Cisco Village - View Website - @ciscovillageroundtop // Drift & Holler - View Website - @driftandholler // Excess Fields - View Website- @excessfield // The Halles - View Website - @thehallesatroundtop // Zapp Hall - View Website- @zapphall


October 14 - 19: The Big Red Barn - Original Round Top Antiques Fair - View Website - @bigredbarnroundtop


October 15 - 19: Marburger Farm - View Website - @marburgerfarm


While you are out, stop by our office on the Round Top Square and pick up a "Door Listing", which showcases our 100+ real estate listings in the area! We look forward to seeing you at The Show!